B-School Applicants Remain Optimistic, Survey Says

The next wave of business school applicants are likely to pursue a degree out of hope rather than fear. A new survey by Manhattan GMAT reveals that an overwhelming majority of potential applicants view their current job status positively. The GMAT survey also shows that potential students feel optimistic about their economic future.

The survey measured the opinions and aspirations of prospective business school applicants preparing to take the GMAT entrance exam and found that 82% of survey respondents are currently employed full time, and 78% feel at least stable, if not secure, in their current job status.

These results contradict current conventional wisdom that today’s business school applicants are looking for alternatives to unemployment or view business school as a way to escape the current economic recession. In fact, only 3% of respondents considering business school said they were taking a break from their career in hopes of better employment options.

“Given the bleak economic picture reported in the media, these survey results were surprising,” said Manhattan GMAT CEO Andrew Yang. “There’s a perception that students might be pursuing business school due to recession-related employment fears or setbacks, but we found that prospective MBA students are optimistic, secure in their jobs, and are focused on the benefits an MBA can bring professionally.”

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