Category: Test Prep Advice

GMAT Challenge Question

A GMAT question on prime numbers from PrepForTests to test your math. How many prime numbers are there which are greater than 40 and less than 60? 1. 4 2. 5 3. 6 4. 7 …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge question from PrepForTests is a data sufficiency question. In this type of GMAT question you need to work out which of the statements 1 and 2 are required to answer the …

GMAT Challenge Question

A GMAT critical reasoning question from PrepForTests to test your logical abilities. Companies often re-organize in order to adapt to changes in the world around them but the market place changes much faster than …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge question from PrepForTests is a classic work rate problem. 6 identical button making machines working at a constant rate can produce 18,000 buttons in 6 hours. How many more button …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week we have another GMAT problem solving question from PrepForTests. This time it’s on exponents. What is the sum of the 20th and 21st terms in the sequence 1, 3, 9, 27… where each …


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GMAC 2024 Prospective Students Survey

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