Hot List for MBAs: Sustainability, Clean Energy

An ever-increasing number of MBAs are finding work upon graduation in clean energy, says Jackie Wilbur, senior director of the career development office at MIT’s Sloan School of Management in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal article, Where MBAs are Finding Jobs.

Students are coping with the sluggish job market by focusing their interest on consumer product companies, which include medical devices and clean energy technology, Wilbur says, adding that “A larger number are interested in energy, particularly in the space of green technology””there’s a lot of room for growth, particularly in introducing new technologies in an emerging market.”

Sustainability is also a growing theme at B-schools, WSJ’s Alina Dizik wrote Thursday. Corporations are pushing for a more hands-on approach to train potential future employees, as they’re finding that case studies become quickly outdated.

Business schools have reacted to the effort with a mixture of gratitude and skepticism, saying that despite the emphasis on integrating these hot-button topics into the curriculum, it’s business as usual at recruiting time, Dizik writes. For more on the work corporations are doing with schools to train potential employees in social responsibility and sustainability, read the WSJ‘s piece here.

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