Judge Business School 2014-2015 Deadlines, Essays

The University of Cambridge Judge Business School has posted the essay questions and the five rounds of deadlines for entry in September 2015.

Round 1

September 19, 2014

Round 2

October 24, 2014

Round 3

January 9, 2015

Round 4

March 6, 2015

Round 5

May 1, 2015

Essay questions

The following are the main essay questions on the Cambridge MBA application:

  1. What did you learn from your most spectacular failure? (200 words)
  2. What are your short and long term career objectives? What skills/characteristics do you already have that will help you to achieve them? What do you hope to gain from the degree and how do you feel it will help you achieve the career objectives you have? (please do not exceed 500 words)

For more information, please visit the Cambridge/Judge admissions website.


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