For Example…

Everyone knows, in theory, that you need to fill your applications with colorful and interesting examples. But if everyone knows, why is the number one comment I make upon reading essays and letters of …

Weak Examples of Weakness

Many schools will ask you or your recommenders, or both, to discuss weaknesses or areas for improvement. This can be difficult because you are walking the fine line between being honest and exposing too …

Which Round?

Round 1 or Round 2 – that is the question… There is definitely a frenzy around trying to submit applications in round 1. So much so that you might wonder what the other rounds …

Your Personal Marketing Plan

As I often state, the MBA application process is very much about marketing yourself to the admissions committees. Some of my clients find it helpful to actually create a Marketing Plan, consisting of the …

Do I Have Time?

Today is August 12, 2005. Approximately 2 months to first round deadlines. If you have not yet started your applications, do you still have time? The answer to this question is personal. …

Turning Weakness Into Strength

One of the most dreaded questions asked by business schools is, “Tell us about a time you failed.” It can feel like a double edged sword: you have to come up with an honest …


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Is an MBA Worth It? Here’s Your Checklist

7 Steps to Assess Business School Value Step 1: Block out the Noise Young professionals have always evaluated the worth of embarking on a two-year MBA program. This value analysis typically happens ...