Tag: The MBA Tour

Meet Admission Reps in DC, NYC

Admission representatives from top business schools worldwide are coming to New York City and Washington, DC, to meet with potential MBA students as part of a national American tour through February 2010. The MBA Tour …

Power of a Handshake Still Reigns Supreme

No matter how sophisticated online communication has become these days, there’s still no substitute for a good ol’ fashioned handshake, many admissions directors say. “We’ve seen a dramatic shift in the way people communicate with …

Latest News from The MBA Tour

If you haven’t tapped the resources of The MBA Tour yet, check out their Facebook Group, “MBA Networking,” which is now ranked #1 in member activity. Set up to encourage discussion among pre-MBAs who use …


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Targeted MBA Advice for Couples

Does the couple that studies together really have more fun? This Valentine’s Day, we’re sharing MBA advice for couples considering applying to business school.  For some professional couples, there comes a time when both ...