MBA Admissions Advice – Get More Done

We all want to be successful. Whether it is going to a top business school, learning a new language, losing ten pounds or writing a book, we all want to achieve our goals. But how many of us are willing to truly do what it takes? The truth is, it’s HARD to achieve ambitious goals. It’s hard to achieve most any goal. Ask most uber-successful people and they will tell you that intense focus and discipline were the top ingredients to getting more done and achieving success. If you are struggling with the discipline necessary to achieve your goals, you will be happy to know that habits of top performers can be replicated. Read one email each day and take small steps to get more done. In fact, in just 21 days, you can start to build an arsenal of good habits that set you on the path to success.


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Here’s a screenshot of one email that you’ll receive with this 21 day project:



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