The HBS interview really is the deciding factor as to whether or not the candidate gets in. Very few interviews don’t go well so you really have to rise to the top of the good interviews. At the same time, recognize that your HBS interviewer isn’t critiquing you but rather, he or she is trying to connect with you and understand your life journey and story.

The presence of the interview observer, the tailored, probing questions, and the post-interview reflection are factors that demonstrate the thoughtfulness of the HBS interview process.

SBC offers interview prep services as described below. It usually takes place approximately one week before the real thing. Sign up for HBS interview prep today with SBC by clicking at the button below.

Here’s what HBS interview prep entails

1) Application Read and Question Development

Your SBC HBS interviewer will prepare beforehand by extensively reviewing your application, line-by-line, before the interview to formulate tailored questions. The intent is for the HBS interviewer to be fully briefed so the questions are forward-moving and not a recap of what was already submitted. The interviewer is trying to get in the mind of the interviewee. Similarly, your SBC interviewer will tailor your interview for your specific application.

2) Emailed guidance with interview prep advice, sample questions and overall pointers for the client to practice independently, prior to the SBC mock interview.

3) A mock interview session over the phone that will last a total of 1 hour. The time breakdown is usually:

  • 30-35 minutes doing the 1:1 mock interview
  • 20 minutes or so reviewing responses and offering advice and feedback
  • 5-10 minutes for an email-based summary that your consultant shares; this summary is as close to a transcript of the call as we can get.

4) Post-interview reflection work which includes prep, editing and feedback. Your consultant will be available for edits for 24 hours after the client’s actual interview.


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