
Director of Test Prep

Anthony is SBC’s Director of Test Prep and has been a GMAT and GRE tutor for over 20 years. Anthony’s own test scores include a 100 percentile GMAT score (795) and two perfect GRE scores (340), and he holds degrees in physics and applied mathematics from Georgia Tech and a law degree from Georgetown. Anthony has taught test prep for MBA applicants on three continents, including around the US, in Toronto and Montreal, in London and Dublin, and in Hong Kong. His deep-rooted test knowledge has been refined through test prep curriculum development and critical assessment of the longstanding and emerging test prep avenues, which Anthony leverages efficiently for his clients. Anthony’s clients have gained up to 230 points on the GMAT (a 50+ percentile gain) through his guidance and matriculated to top MBA programs including Harvard and Wharton.

To request a free test prep game plan call with Anthony, email:

See our FAQ on the new GMAT Focus Edition.

See our GMAT or GRE: What’s the Right Strategy?

Recent B-Schooled Podcasts with Anthony

GRE/GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions – The Logical Fallacy To Be Prepared For: B-Schooled episode 193

Updates on the new shorter GRE and GMAT tests: B-Schooled episode 182

GRE vocabulary prep: B-Schooled episode 121

MBA admissions test prep deep dive: B-Schooled episode 106
