What does our SBC team talk about?

How every single client benefits from the broad knowledge, contacts and expertise on our MBA admissions consulting team.

What is the SBC AdCom take on whether my client should take a quant class or retake the test? 
When you were at HBS Admissions, did HBS give any special consideration to candidates who....
What is the SBC AdCom hearing about admit trends by industry: finance vs. tech vs consulting?
What are you hearing from your contacts about which MBA programs will have spots open for round 3 deadlines?
My client asked me the following question regarding who is reading the GSB applications: “Who are the readers? What are the demographics of the readers? Other Stanford GSB alumni? Do you know breakdown of ages and genders?”
I have a R2 client who is getting ready to submit to a few schools. Knowing that background checks are conducted he brought up concern about his title...anybody have experience with this?
I've read his draft application. I would recommend admitting him if I were reading the application at CBS.
Can an applicant who has zero current extracurriculars get admitted to Wharton, CBS, or Booth?
When I was a GSB AdCom, we regularly dinged awesome applicants with the comment "looks more like Harvard". It was pretty much the most damning eval comment that could be made.
How much does GSB prioritize accomplishments relative to what gets a candidate excited and emotional?
Bottom line, and what I tell candidates, these schools are betting on you. They want to know that their investment (taking you instead of someone else) will pay off. They are trying to predict who will have outsized influence.
My client just got the HBS admit. Yes, average stats and Big Four employer--not special. It just took a little bit of holding up the mirror for him to see how great he is!


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Create a Winning MBA Application for Chicago Booth

If the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business is on your MBA shortlist, you’ll want to bookmark today’s post. As regular readers know, SBC’s consulting team includes former admissions officers from all the ...