Vitamin MBA – The Three Letter Word That Can Sabotage Your Success!

In our blog, we provide news, tips and tools to help you navigate the MBA admissions process. Despite the high volume of information that gets printed every week, we do not regularly address the fact that many applicants face a set of challenges that are very different from GPA, GMAT and resume. I want to help applicants work through road blocks to success that may include self-doubt, anxiety, procrastination and generally feeling overwhelmed by this process. Hopefully with a bit of “Vitamin MBA” I can help you to overcome these challenges so that you can put our other resources to work and truly excel on your applications. I now present you with a dose of “Vitamin MBA”:

It’s incredibly challenging to navigate the demands of MBA applications while also working full time, continuing with outside activties and oh yes – sleeping every once in a while. As we proceed through the application season and essay questions are published, there is increased pressure to crank out outlines and essay drafts, and move forward.  I know that many applicants struggle with this and end up procrastinating.  When we encourage our clients to send us a new draft or produce a deliverable, our ambitious, hard working, well intentioned clients often state that they will try to send us something by X date.  And, occasionally it does not happen because they are BUSY.  And…they really are busy.  But somehow you need to squeeze in these pesky applications if you intend to go to business school.  The following piece by Marie Forleo is amusing and inspiring…I hope it encourages some of you to stop trying and just get to work!

Do you find yourself trying to do lots of things, but never making any of them happen? For example, have you ever tried to make it to an event, or tried to lose weight, or tried to write a book? If so, then keep reading.

Part of the problem lies in a sneaky, 3 letter word. This little rascal is kryptonite to success and well-being. Until you become aware of it, and discover all the ways it’s already impacting your life, you’re destined to keep a tight lid on your profits and pleasure.

Want to know what it is? I’ll let my wise, green shorty friend fill you in.

“Do or do not. There is no try.”- Yoda


That’s right. “Try” is a sneaky little 3 letter word that sabotages success and keeps you locked in a state of mediocrity.

Of course, none of us are perfect. But the more you can catch yourself using this failure word and “drop it like it’s hot”, the easier it will be for you to produce the excellence you’re capable of.

Here’s 5 reason’s why you need to stop “trying” to do anything.

1. Trying keeps you constipated and stuck.

If you’re sitting down, I want you to try to stand up. Go ahead. TRY to stand up. If you’re following the direction, you should look…well…constipated. You’re probably stuck somewhere between sitting and standing with a slightly, um, strained look on your face. Whenever you “try” to do anything, you’re undermining your ability to just make things happen. When you remove the word “try”, you can just do it. There’s immediacy, power and action at your service.

2. Trying gives you permission to quit on yourself.

If you tell yourself you’re going to “try” to lose weight, do you think you’ll be successful? Probably not. When you “try” to do anything, whether you realize it or not, you’re giving yourself permission to quit. And having the “backdoor open” on any new venture is a surefire way to let yourself down when the going gets tough. Instead, get clear on what you intend to do and just do it. You’ll be far more likely to produce what you say you want.

3. Trying makes you “flaky.”

Did you ever have a friend that “tried” to make it to a party and never showed? Anytime someone tells me they’ll “try” to come somewhere, I know they won’t make it. And to be honest, when someone say’s they’ll “try to be there” enough times, I stop asking. They get slotted into the flaky, not count-on-able category. It’s much better to simply say yes or no. And if you’re really unsure, be transparent and let people know what your circumstances are. This way your “try” will have honestly and validity behind it.

4. Trying erodes your trust in yourself.

After you “try” enough times and fail, you have no trust in YOU. When you don’t trust yourself, it’s very difficult to make more money, grow your business and have the kind of magical life you DESERVE. Why? Because whether you realize it or not, your success in life hinges on your ability to give and keep your word. When you give your word and keep it consistently, you gain a tremendous amount of personal power. Then you can trust YOURSELF to make things happen.

5. Trying makes Yoda sad. Please be kind.

Even though he’s tiny, wrinkly and green, Yoda’s got feelings too. When you “try”, you shove Yoda’s priceless Jedi wisdom back in his face. Sources tell me his feelings get so hurt that he sits on the couch and eats an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s Mint Cookie Chip ice cream. In case you didn’t know, Yoda is lactose intolerant. It’s not a happy evening for him. So if none of the other reasons are compelling enough for you, please stop “trying” for Yoda’s sake. OK :)?

Remember, the first step in any transformation is awareness. The fastest way to stop “trying” is start noticing all the ways you do! Then it becomes easy to shift out of “try” and into powerful action.

Lifestyle entrepreneur and bestselling author Marie Forleo, publishes the weekly ezine ‘The Good Life Secrets’ helping women entrepreneurs be RICH, HAPPY and HOT. If you’re ready to make more money, grow your business and have more fun in your relationships and life, get your FREE advice now at


(323) 934-3936

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