Stacy Blackman’s Weekly Links

Real stories from MBA applicants and students…

Tinydancer posted a new book alert this week on the Best Business Schools’ Admissions Secrets, coming out July 1. Check out the sidebar on her blog for other recommended application reading.

Veni Vidi Vici struggles this week with resume fun. As someone who has never had to write one before, he’s hoping to find peers in the MBA blogosphere interested in discussing the pros and cons of various formats, the level of detail they would give and other resume-related talk. Any takers?

To avoid repeats of past episodes of awkwardness, MBA for HairTwirler has a few tips for her readers that she may soon meet in real life at McDonough.

A few weeks into his internship, Goitzueta blogger Righty shares his Monday morning woes and deja vu.

In Greetings from the Emerald City, CS@HBS settles into her sweet fully-furnished suite and gears up for a summer internship at a large Seattle technology company.

School’s out for Mike Murphy, aka Darden One Day at a Time. Now that he’s back in the working world, Murphy takes a moment to reflect on the notion that grades matter, despite a pervasive belief that business school is just a way to get a great job and build a great network.

And from Dee Leopold, Managing Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at HBS, a lengthy post addressing one of the burning questions on applicants’ minds: Who should write my recommendations?

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