GMAC Updates Free GMATPrep Software
GMAT test takers can now review their practice exam responses, gain insight into their pacing, and customize practice question sets in an updated version of GMATPrep software, the free test prep program from the Graduate Management Admission Council.
“With two computer adaptive exams using retired test questions and the same technology as the actual exam, GMATPrep has always provided the most realistic experience for test takers to understand the question formats and practice pacing,” says Andy Martelli, vice president of new product development for GMAC. “Now, GMATPrep v2.2 provides even more features to help test takers make the best use of their study time.”
Compatible with both Windows and Macintosh operating systems, the GMATPrep software includes a step-by-step guide to taking the exam, a comprehensive math review, and 90 questions with answer explanations.
GMATPrep was overhauled last year before the addition of the Integrated Reasoning section to the GMAT exam on June 5, to add Integrated Reasoning preparation; enable Macintosh compatibility; and introduce new features to help users customize their studying, track their progress, and extend GMATPrep through the purchase of additional retired test questions. GMATPrep v2.2 includes more features developed as the direct result of feedback from test takers and test prep companies.
In GMATPrep v2.2, users can:
- Review responses to practice exams and practice question sessions
- Pause a practice exam or question session
- Gain insight into pacing with new timer tools, available when answering practice questions
- Specify how many questions of each type and difficulty level they want to answer when they opt to create their own question set
- Receive their IR percentile ranking
- Have Reading Comprehension questions grouped by passage wherever possible
- Be able to generate system information at the click of button should they require customer support
GMATPrep v2.2 is available for free download at An additional question pack, with 404 questions and answer explanations usable within the GMATPrep program, is available for purchase at the
While GMATPrep includes two full-length practice exams, GMAC will release a second add-on package later this year. Exam Pack 1 will feature additional computer adaptive practice GMAT exams with new questions and will be available for sale on