New Pepperdine Program Fosters Life-Long Learning

A great new career development program at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management gives alumni the opportunity to update and extend their knowledge-base for today’s competitive market.

The alumni life-long learning program, called MBA Plus, will provide MBA alumni up to 75% reduced tuition to help those who wish to refresh skills and acquire advanced knowledge by taking additional courses or completing a new emphasis, the school announced Thursday.

Designed exclusively for alumni who have already completed a Graziadio School MBA degree as a full-time, part-time or executive MBA student, MBA Plus will offer qualified candidates the opportunity to apply for a limited number of seats in Fully Employed MBA program evening and weekend courses starting in fall 2009.

“In today’s world, the desire to acquire additional knowledge with life-long value is a key enabler for many who wish to have a competitive edge in this economy. MBA Plus is our way of helping alumni overcome career challenges brought on by the current crisis,” said Dean Linda A. Livingstone.

This is a wonderful way to help MBAs strengthen their careers or earn a new emphasis in entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, etc. Given the current state of the economy, time will tell whether more business schools will follow suit and further enhance their alumni support.

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