Stacy Blackman’s B-School Buzz

Hello and welcome back to our weekly foray into the b-school blogosphere for a candid look at what’s keeping MBA applicants and students buzzing. From interview and event recaps to pointed advice for niche applicants, we’ve got the news you can use.

Ross interview experience — Attention, MBA applicants! Pyarapopats interview recap for the Ross School of Business provides an essential truth all interviewees would do well to remember: just because you’ve already given a dazzling interview for one school, never assume your next one-on-one will yield a repeat performance. Pyarapopat explains how he stumbled a bit on a few points, and that he hopes he recovered sufficiently by the interview’s end. The takeaway? Preparation is crucial for each and every interview you receive.

Breaking down global competitiveness — In the latest post from Engineer to MBA, Pankaj Agarwal puts the skills acquired in year one at Harvard Business School to good use while examining the “three-dimensional subject” that is global competitiveness. Agarwal says innovation, local responsiveness and efficiency are the three essentials of business companies need to understand in order to achieve that global edge.

Snapshot from Boston Trek and Cyberposium— Two days of classes may not sound like a heavy load, but Ellipser shatters any preconceived notions of MBAs having tons of free time on their hands with this post detailing his recent week. In addition to the usual classes,  Ellipser outlines the activities of his Boston High Tech Trek and the stopover at Cyberposium, held at Harvard Business School.

Top military MBA applicant mistakes — If the bad news is that military applicants tend to make eight very common mistakes in their MBA applications, the silver lining is that, according to the Military to Business blog, many of them can be corrected. From not having enough non-military people review their application to writing a resume without a civilian perspective, to assuming their military experience is unique, MBA applicants transitioning from the armed forces have very specific hurdles to overcome.

In honor of Veterans Day today, all of us at Stacy Blackman Consulting would like to offer our sincere thanks for the service and sacrifice of the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.


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