Stacy Blackman’s B-School Buzz

Welcome back to another edition of Stacy Blackman’s B-School Buzz, where we share the latest goings-on from the MBA applicant and student trenches. This week, our Buzz bloggers celebrate and mourn the decisions handed out by their target programs; share their school’s fascinating quirks; and generally wrap things up before winter break.

“Target acquired”—After eight months of preparations, networking, and more, Pyarapopat shares the great news that’s he’s in at Kellogg School of Management! After allowing himself a few weeks to let the news sink in, he plans to sort out the next three years of his life come January. For now, the possibilities and opportunities seem endless.

Exam time at Oxford—This week, we welcome our newest Buzz contributor Bayo Babalola and his blog, Nigerian to B-School. It’s a busy time at University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School, and Babalola shares some interesting exam traditions that one could only experience at a school with such a long and distinguished history. From the formal dress requirements to the color-coded carnation system, we hope he hasn’t actually shed “blood-stained tears” during this round of exams.

Quality control—After reminiscing about a blog comment he received this time last year, where someone pointed out with regret that the quality of his blog seemed to be declining, Ellipser shares that since then his blog has had more than 200,000 visitors. Despite the hectic upcoming schedule of High-Tech Club treks to Silicon Valley and Seattle, he promises a post about all that he’s learned this quarter–which should prove very insightful to those applying this year, Ellipser says.

That dreaded ding—There’s no good time to hear that you’ve been dinged by your dream program, but the revelation is almost too cruel to bear when it comes on your birthday, which is what happened to our second new Buzz contributor of the week, Ccatcher’s MBA Chronicle. We’ll stay tuned for updates regarding your other target schools, with fingers crossed the news next time is brighter.

Do you have a b-school-centric blog? Want it featured on B-School Buzz? Email me at



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