Tag: MIT Sloan

Bolstering Leadership Training Abroad

This week, two schools announced the creation of programs aimed at boosting management education and research collaborations in international locales. The MIT Sloan School of Management has entered into a government-sponsored agreement with two universities …

Standing Out in the Admissions Process

The third-round application period looms for many prospective MBA students, and there’s no better time to incorporate the advice of MBA admissions directors on ways to make””or break””your chances of getting in at the school …

Acting Lessons…Not Just for Thespians Anymore

What can b-school students learn in a theater class? Plenty, it seems, as a growing number of prestigious MBA programs are including acting classes as an innovative way to boost leadership, communication and presentation skills. …

B-School via iTunes?

When Apple launched iTunes U earlier this year, the idea was to give institutions of higher learning an innovative way to get audio and video content out to their students. But by making hundreds of …


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Why is HBS Requiring the GMAT Business Writing Assessment?

If you submit a GMAT Focus score with your MBA application to Harvard Business School, prepare to supply additional proof that you know how to write. With the rise of generative AI, business schools ...