UNC Kenan-Flagler Offers Workshops on Cross-Cultural Business Skills

As the business world continues to shrink, having knowledge of and sensitivity toward other cultures’ ways of doing business is imperative for today’s professionals. But managing and leading across cultures remains challenging, as language, communication styles, and business practices vary widely across the globe. globe

To better equip those working in the international marketplace, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School will offer “Essentials for Successful Cross-Cultural Business,” a series of workshops and webinars.  The program was designed for business professionals across industries, as well as MBA students wanting to refine their cross-cultural competence beyond the list of do’s and don’ts.

Three experienced cross-cultural trainers will lead a series of four workshops (which can be attended online or in person) and four webinars (online only). The series begins Oct. 26, 2012, and runs through April 16, 2013.

Participants who complete the entire series of four workshops and four webinars will receive a Certificate in Cross-Cultural Business Communication from the UNC Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER).

“This program gives busy professionals the opportunity to improve their skills and understanding, whether they participate online or come to UNC Kenan-Flagler,” says Julia Kruse, executive director of CIBER.

The workshop topics include:

  •  “Navigating Global Business Communication”
  • “Assessing and Understanding Communication Effectiveness Across Cultures”
  • “Requisite Skill Sets to Manage Successfully Across Cultures”
  • “Maximizing Cross-Cultural Fluency in Business Contexts”

The webinar topics include:

  • “Working Effectively with China”
  • “This Week in Brazil: A Cultural Foundation to Understand Current Events in Brazil”
  •  “Successfully Managing China Supplier and Partner Relations”
  •  “Current Challenges that Multinational Companies Are Facing in Brazil: Brief Case Studies”

Leading the workshops will be Tim Flood, associate professor at UNC Kenan-Flagler; Joy Huang, president of Connect East LLC; and Orlando R. Kelm, associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

The early-registration cost is $440 per person for all four workshops and four webinars; the cost after Oct. 8 is $540. For more information and the complete schedule, visit http://www.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/ciber/programs/essentials-for-cross-cultural-business.

(image by Flickr user amystanley, CC 2.0)


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