5 Things to Do Before You Start Your MBA

The latest entry of the Duke Fuqua Partners Perspective blog, written by Amit Jain, offers some timely recommendations on things to do before starting the Fuqua pre-term, but his advice holds for anyone about to embark on a full-time MBA program.

  1. Come into the game focused on what you want to do during your MBA. This will give you a little clarity before the grind begins and a head start over others still figuring out what they what to do, post-MBA.
  2. Try to finish your pre-assignments before landing in Durham–this is doubly important for international students. Getting settled into housing, car hunting and general life adjustments are hectic enough without pre-assignments hanging over your head.
  3. Take time to explore the school before classes begin. Getting your bearings beforehand makes the start more pleasant and will also save you some time figuring out where your classes are.
  4. Come in with an open mind. An MBA program is like a melting pot of ideas and options and you don’t want to miss on something you might actually enjoy.
  5. Spend quality time with your friends and family, as you will probably run short of time once the program starts.

For more on the partners perspective at Fuqua, check out this new blog, launched in the spring.

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