B-School Buzz: Timed Practice, Research, Rejection
It’s been another busy week for our B-school Buzz bloggers, as they’ve been continuing their GMAT prep, sharing new projects and learning about the fates of their applications.
Start your timers! ”“ Chitra at GMAT Prep Blog reminds us this week that finishing the GMAT test can feel like a serious race against the clock, writing, “The GMAT Quantitative section features 37 questions that must be answered in 75 minutes. That averages to about 2 minutes per question. In the GMAT Verbal section, you will find 41 questions that must be answered in 75 minutes””about 1 minute 50 seconds per question.”
He advocates answering questions with one eye on a timer, which is sound advice: This technique will help you become more familiar with the amount of time allotted each question and hopefully, more comfortable with answering questions within that short timeframe.
Research project blog – Time to get a little meta. One of Felish”¦da dish‘s recent posts was on the subject of blogging. More specifically, a new blog that is the result of a semester-long research project. She writes, “My awesome writing partner and I are looking into the concept of digital beauty. Specifically, we’ll be researching digital marketing and L’Oreal: how to capitalize new digital and online marketing efforts to maximize ROI.” Part of their project includes a new blog, so fans of Felish’s lively prose (me included) are in luck.
Rejection – It’s been great following Ellipsing My Way to Business School and Random Wok on their application journeys, and I find myself hoping that every new post will be about them getting accepted. Of course, a 100-percent acceptance rate is rare indeed when applying to elite b-schools, and this week both candidates received rejections from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.
Ellipsing, who has already secured admission to Cornell’s Johnson School of Management, took the rejection in stride and said he was “content” with the decision. Mako at Random Wok felt that he was a great fit for Berkeley, so the “unable to offer admission” message stung a bit more. Here’s hoping that the next post we see from Mako is about receiving an acceptance call instead.
Do you have a b-school-centric blog? Want it featured on B-School Buzz? Email me at buzz@StacyBlackman.com.