Bloomberg Businessweek Launches #WhyMBA Social Media Project

#WhyMBABloomberg Businessweek has launched #WhyMBA, a Web and social media campaign that calls upon current business school students, graduates, teachers, and anyone with an opinion and a Twitter handle, to engage in a real-time debate about the true value of a graduate business education. #WhyMBA comes at a moment when the costs and benefits of an MBA are a source of passionate discussion across the country.

In the run-up to announcing its full-time MBA program rankings on Tuesday, November 11, Bloomberg Businessweek will pose a series of daily questions on Twitter, soliciting feedback from aspiring, current and alumni MBA students, as well as professionals, entrepreneurs and industry leaders with or without an MBA. An accompanying website will track the #WhyMBA conversation, highlight trends, and visualize responses and sentiment.

The site allows users to select specific schools, identify and respond to active conversations and topics, and boost a school’s standing by tweeting about it. A live leaderboard will reveal which schools are getting the most mentions on Twitter.

Ways to participate:

  • Follow @BW and @BWbschools and watch for Tweets featuring the hashtag #WhyMBA
  • Retweet interesting questions from @BW and @BWbschools to your followers
  • Respond to Twitter questions and highlight your school’s unique attributes
  • Check out the website at and watch the results unfold

“The #WhyMBA project was devised to broaden the business school discussion,” says  Francesca Levy, Business Education Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek.

“We want to find out how people really feel about MBA programs in today’s market. Our upcoming full-time MBA program rankings will help answer the very specific question, ‘which school is right for me?,’ but #WhyMBA opens the real debate to graduates and everyone else: What does a good B-School accomplish or teach? And do those lessons make it worth the time and expense of getting an MBA?”


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