Chicago Booth MBA Essays, Application Deadlines
The Chicago Booth School of Business has posted the MBA application deadlines and essay questions for the 2013-2014 admissions cycle.
Round One
Application Deadline: October 3, 2013
Final Decision: December 19, 2013
Round Two
Application Deadline: January 8, 2014
Final Decision: March 27, 2014
Round Three
Application Deadline: April 3, 2014
Final Decision: May 21, 2014
Essay Questions
Short Answer Essays
Please respond to the following two essay prompts:
a. My favorite part of my work is… (250 words maximum)
b. I started to think differently when… (250 words maximum)
The Chicago experience will take you deeper into issues, force you to challenge assumptions, and broaden your perspective. In a four-slide presentation or an essay of no more than 600 words, broaden our perspective about who you are. Understanding what we currently know about you from the rest of the application, what else would you like us to know?
Presentation/Essay Guidelines
We have set forth the following guidelines:
- The content is completely up to you. There is no right, or even preferred, approach to this essay. Feel free to use the software with which you are most comfortable. Acceptable formats for upload in the online application system are PowerPoint, Word, or PDF. However, we suggest converting your file to a PDF to preserve your intended formatting.
- There is a strict maximum of four pages (presentation) or 600 words (essay), though you can provide fewer if you choose. All content must fit within four pages (presentation) or 600 words (essay).
- The file size is limited to 16 MB.
- The document will be viewed electronically, but we cannot support embedded videos, music, hyperlinks, or motion images.
- The file will be evaluated on the quality of content and ability to convey your ideas, not on technical expertise.
Reapplicant Question: Upon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words maximum)