Darden Partners with Asian Institute of Management

The University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business recently signed a partnership with the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), based in Manila, Philippines.

Like Darden, AIM uses the case method as a primary mode of learning in its programs. AIM was founded in Makati City in 1968 with a grant from the Ford Foundation; its case method curriculum was developed with an advisory group from Harvard University.

The two schools will engage in joint faculty research, joint case writing, exchange programs for graduate students, collaborative executive education programs and scholars from both schools will be invited to participate in conferences and lectures.

“AIM is well known to us as a leader in graduate management in Asia,” said Darden’s Dean Bob Bruner. “We are kindred spirits in the way we create classroom experiences.”

AIM president Edilberto C. de Jesus, who traveled to Darden for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two schools, said AIM will look to learn from the experience of Darden as the field of graduate management education evolves.
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