Stacy Blackman’s Weekly Links

Darden One Day at a Time, a former military officer, shares strategies on “staying in shape to stay sane” in the face of a draining academic workload. Canadian citizen and MBA Gladiator  worries that an …

Bolstering Leadership Training Abroad

This week, two schools announced the creation of programs aimed at boosting management education and research collaborations in international locales. The MIT Sloan School of Management has entered into a government-sponsored agreement with two universities …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge from is a problem solving question. What is the approximate perimeter of a square that has a diagonal of length 6? Have a go at answering this and …

Specializing the MBA

MBA graduates are still worth the fat paychecks, according to a recent piece in the Hartford Business Journal, but the article also asserts that it may be time for a restructuring of MBA programs toward …

The Cost of Overstating Your Resume

MBA applicants may be familiar with the theoretical benefits of overstating one’s accomplishments. After all, the purpose of a resume is to pitch oneself by highlighting strengths and accomplishments. It may be tempting to overstate or …

Stacy Blackman’s Weekly Links

In “Essay Retrospection,” July Dream invokes baseball analogies when wondering what essays hit the proverbial grand slam with adcom, and which completely strike out. Her two tips: show your passion and remember what’s important to …


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Is Now the Best Time for Your MBA?

Time is the wisest counselor of all. – Pericles Once you decide to go to business school, timing becomes a crucial consideration. How do you know whether now is the best time for your MBA? ...