Round 2 Deadline at Harvard Business School

Today is the Round 2 deadline at Harvard Business School, and Director of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid Dee Leopold updated her blog with a brief re-cap of what will happen.

As a reminder, the deadline is at noon EST, and you can expect traffic on the server to be heavy around that time, so don’t panic if it takes time to successfully submit, Leopold urges.

While the deadline for applications and recommenders is officially the same, Leopold explains that the admissions team will keep the system open for a few days to allow recommendations to arrive. Once there is one recommendation letter in the file, the AdCom will begin to review your application.

By mid-day Wednesday, AdCom will have a handle on the size of the Round 2 applicant pool, and Leopold expects her team to have a good idea of when interview invitations will go out.

Off-campus interviews will take place in Shanghai, Tokyo, Dubai, Mumbai, London, Paris, Menlo Park, and New York City, she says.

As soon as we hear additional interview details, we’ll share them here. Good luck HBS applicants!

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