Why Do You Need an MBA?
There’s a lot to think about when you’re pulling together your business school application materials. You’ve got to make sure your resume is in top shape, that your recommenders will have their letters uploaded on time, that your essays are compelling and position you well—the list goes on.
One thing that is ironically easy to forget in the whole process is communicating to the AdCom why you need an MBA in the first place. Have you taken some time to really think about this yet? If going back to school has always been a part of your plan, the application process could turn into something you “just have to do” in order to reach your goal. You might get so focused on trying to impress the AdCom that you fail to explain how their program could actually help you.
We’re not talking about the “Why school X?” type of responses where you show you’ve researched a program by integrating classes, professors, clubs and other parts of the curriculum into your essays. We’re talking about clearly detailing what you still need to learn and what experience you must gain in order to reach your career goals.
If—in the process of highlighting your background, achievements and future plans—you don’t say why you need an MBA, the AdCom may decide that someone else would benefit more from their program.
So don’t be afraid to point out what gaps you have and exactly how an MBA can help. The AdCom isn’t looking to put together a class of people who are already perfect and have nothing to learn from each other!
Think of it this way: if he could admit it, you can, too.
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