Round 3 Myth-Busting by Harvard Business School

Applying to business school in the final round is a tricky proposition, primarily because your application needs to be exceptionally strong to garner one of those oh-so-limited remaining spots.

Harvard Business School Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Dee Leopold recently did some myth-busting related to submitting in Round 3, and here’s what she had to say:

1. There are spots available in the final round. Not as many as in Rounds 1 and 2, but keep in mind, there are also fewer applicants in the final round. “Do I think a strong candidate has a fair shot?,” Leopold asks. “Yes.”

2. From the first applicant accepted until the very last, each student has access to the same need-based financial aid.

3. If your Round 3 application is not successful, there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t apply again in Round 1 next fall. “Many people in our classroom today were successful re-applicants,” Leopold notes.

4. Round 3 is a great time for 2+2 applicants to apply, as college seniors will have another semester of grades and activities to highlight. “We can be more flexible about the number of 2+2 admits given that we are not worried about a ‘seat being occupied’ for this September,” she explains.

5. Lastly, while there is no Welcome Weekend for Round 3 admits, you will get a chance to see the campus in real time since all the interviews will be held on campus. HBS will be hosting other events on campus in the next few months, including an LGBT Open House, Prospective Students’ Diversity Day, and lunches for prospective women applicants with members of the Women’s Student Association.

Also, a word to future Round 1 applicants: Spring is a great time to plan a campus visit if you want to see the case method in action, as there’s limited availability for visiting a class in the early fall.

The Round 3 deadline at HBS is coming up on April 7th. Good luck to all who are applying!

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