4 Tips Before Your Campus Visit

On Friday, the Tuck School of Business Admissions Blog offered some helpful tips for anyone planning a visit or interview at Tuck, but the advice holds no matter where you’re headed.

  1. Get to Know Alumni — Prospective students can learn a lot more about the program from people who have already done it! Tuck has something called “Tuck Connections,” which you can register to use and get in touch with current and former students.
  2. Get to Know Current Students — Most schools consider students one of their greatest assets when recruiting future cohorts. Tuck Admissions recommends browsing student profiles available on their website, checking out student clubs, or attending a conference headed by one of the academic centers on campus.
  3. Update Your Resume — In Tuck’s case, your resume is the only piece of information the Second Year Tuck Admissions Associates have prior to your interview, so make sure it represents who you are today.
  4. Check Out the FAQs — Academic and Admissions FAQs can answer many questions you have, and answer a few you haven’t even thought of yet. Be sure to look through these sections on the schools’ websites and find immediate answers to your most pressing questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, reach out to Admissions…that’s what they’re there for!



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