Category: Test Prep Advice

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge from is a critical reasoning question. The total annual value of sales of Acme Transport’s Firebird Mark II has increased steadily over the past 5 years. The total annual profits …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge from is a problem solving question. What is the approximate perimeter of a square that has a diagonal of length 6? Have a go at answering this and …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge from is a sentence correction question. Select the best form of the underlined section of the sentence below from the given answers. The positivity effect refers to the tendency …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge from is a problem solving question. If the price of a vase reduced by exactly 25% in a sale which of the following could NOT be the final price …

GMAT Challenge Question

This week’s GMAT challenge from is a problem solving question. 2 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + 2^5 + 2^6 + 2^7 + 2^8 + 2^9 + 2^10 = …


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How LinkedIn Can Help MBA Applicants

Many MBA admissions officers believe it’s fair game to scope out applicants’ social media feeds. In fact, one Kaplan survey found that 66% of them see no issue with social media being part of ...