Evaluate MBA Career Services When Selecting Possible B-Schools
MBA career services have not generally been considered pivotal to your choice of the right business school for your management studies. However, some career centers cater so well to MBA students’ future vocations that they have become an indispensable asset to MBA programs.
Why business schools care about post-MBA careers
There are two major reasons for the growth of MBA career services. First, business schools now realize that the career success of their alumni is a major selling point in MBA programs. Ultimately, the return on investment (ROI) and the return in happiness (RIH) determine the value of the overall MBA experience in the short and long-term.
Along these lines, the recession of 2008 – 2009 also encouraged business schools to improve their career services. Schools compensated by helping their students land attractive jobs despite the crisis.
The MBA’s increased cachet beyond the corporate world is another factor boosting the growth of MBA career services. Nowadays, most sectors and industries see the value of the degree. In particular, entrepreneurship and the start-up industry have turned out to be fertile soil for the growth of MBA talent. This diversity of career paths and industries has led to MBA career services expanding beyond traditional corporate recruitment.
How to evaluate MBA career services
The MBA is often about change. Contemplating an MBA usually means that you want to make a career change. Maybe you want to move to a new company. Or, take on a managerial role. Perhaps you want to start a career in new country or region. Many applicants want to apply their skills in a new industry, or start their own company.
You should approach your MBA application with a specific career goal or at least up to three scenarios for your post-MBA path. Your career goal is essential in selecting the right MBA programs.
When choosing business schools, always ask about the scope of MBA career services and evaluate them against your needs. It’s vital to consider the sectors and industries in which the career center specializes.
Some centers have dedicated consultants per industry. MBA participants at Oxford Said Business School benefit from insights and pragmatic advice of a select group of sector consultants who have experience of working for leading firms across a broad range of sectors across a range of industries including management consulting, finance, high-tech, new ventures, media and communications, and diversified industry in general.
The scope of the services varies greatly. For instance, the MBA Career Development Program at INSEAD (France) spans the whole process – “Know Yourself. Know the Market. Strategise and Execute.” The programs takes MBA students through 5 stages of developing a career plan – self-assessment, career vision, career design, job search, job application, and salary negotiations. B-schools often provide personal and leadership coaching as part of their MBA career development programs.
From job placement to career strategy
Career services have also shifted strategy greatly. Immediate post-MBA jobs are still an important selling point for MBA programs, but they now look to long-term career success. This is also because current and future professionals are likely to change jobs much more frequently than they did 20 years ago. New professions crop up every day, requiring lifelong learning and acquiring transferable skills, as well as a vision of how to navigate your career.
Who is the driver of career success?
Business schools have developed comprehensive career services but it is essentially MBA participants themselves who should propel their own success. To achieve in the long-run, you should take time and effort to set clear career goals before applying for an MBA.
Based on these you should select the most appropriate business schools considering all that they can offer – curriculum, network, learning environment, business exposure, and career services, among others.
Finally, start working with the MBA career center as soon as you begin your studies and always be proactive. Business schools care more and more about your success, but ultimately your career and lifestyle are your own responsibility.