Introducing…Essay Guides for MBA Applications
Stacy Blackman Consulting is incredibly excited to announce the launch of our BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAY GUIDES!!!!
As we thought about developing a truly helpful publication, we considered the questions we most often are asked:
“What is school x looking for versus school y?”
“How can I most effectively appeal to my target school?”
“What are these essay questions really asking?”
“Can you show me an example of a successful essay?”
“Will the school be interested in hearing about this aspect of my background?”
We realize that the application essays can be the most challenging, time consuming and stressful part of the application. So we set out to develop a set of school specific essay guides that truly helps you tackle the essays and answer many of your most pressing questions. Our team put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into these quides and the result, we think, is terrific!
We hope you agree and invite you to explore our guides. Learn a bit more about the guide content and take a sneak peek of a few sample pages. Our first five guides are for Columbia, Harvard, Kellogg, Stanford and Wharton. The guides are downloadable PDFs, available on our website.
If you decide to purchase a guide before November 1, you can enter the following discount code to receive 20% off! Use this code for as many guides as you wish: guidelaunch09. Just visit our store and enter the code at checkout.
We hope you find our essay guides to be an incredibly useful tool and look forward to taking some of the stress and anxiety out of your application process. We would also love to hear what you think of the guides and welcome your feedback – just email us at