MBA Alumni Rank Their Schools

MBA alumniIn Bloomberg Businesweek‘s latest MBA alumni survey, graduates of business schools across the globe rated their alma mater in several areas. From the power of their school’s alumni network to academic quality to reputation and more, these MBAs had a lot to say.

Here are some of the highlights from the survey of 15,050 MBA alumni from 126 different business schools. We’re sharing the top ten schools in each category.

Spoiler alert: the Stanford Graduate School of Business, which also ranked as the top b-school in Bloomberg Businessweek’s latest ranking—scored highest in four of the five questions posed to MBA alumni.

Statement # 1 “My school’s alumni network has helped my build my career.”

Bloomberg says: The quality, range, and responsiveness of an alumni network can be key to whether you get hired, whom you hire, and whom you get introduced to when doing a deal.

  1. Stanford
  2. Harvard
  3. Tuck School
  4. USC Marshall
  5. Wharton
  6. Ross School
  7. UV Darden School
  8. Cornell Johnson
  9. UCLA Anderson
  10. Kellogg School

Statement #2 “I would recommend my school to a friend because of the quality of its academic program.”

Bloomberg says: The usual suspects didn’t end up in the usual places in this question.

  1. Chicago Booth
  2. IESE Business School
  3. Kellogg School
  4. UV Darden School
  5. Ross School
  6. UT at Dallas (Jindal)
  7. MIT Sloan
  8. CMU Tepper School
  9. Stanford GSB
  10. Wharton

Statement #3 “My school’s name and prestige have been beneficial to me.”

Bloomberg says: Which school has the most powerful alumni network? The list is a who’s who of business schools dominating the Top 10.

  1. Stanford
  2. Harvard
  3. Wharton
  4. MIT Sloan
  5. Chicago Booth
  6. Columbia
  7. Cambridge Judge
  8. Yale SOM
  9. Kellogg School
  10. INSEAD

Statement #4 “I would recommend my program to a friend who is interested in entrepreneurship.”

Bloomberg says:  Palo Alto, Calif.’s most famous B-School beat out Cambridge, Mass.’s most famous. A close No. 3 was Babson, also in Massachusetts, which has always focused intensely on entrepreneurship.

  1. Stanford
  2. MIT Sloan
  3. Babson College
  4. Imperial College of London
  5. UCLA Anderson
  7. Maryland Smith School
  8. UT McCombs School
  9. UC at San Diego (Rady)
  10. Cambridge Judge

Statement #5 “My education emphasized innovation and creativity.”

Bloomberg says: Of the leading 10 schools in this list, only three were in the Top 10 of Bloomberg Businessweek’s global rankings. This suggests that, from an alumni perspective, there’s a lot of quality education across the map.

  1. Stanford
  2. Imperial College of London
  3. MIT Sloan
  4. Babson College
  5. Berkeley Haas
  6. Cambridge Judge
  7. UC at San Diego (Rady)
  8. CMU Tepper School
  9. Maryland Smith School
  10. UT at Dallas (Jindal)

For more details, please visit Bloomberg Businessweek‘s piece on the best business schools as scored by alumni.

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