MBA Goes Green
Business featured an article on Colorado State‘s new Global Social & Sustainable Enterprise Program for students who want to focus on fixing social problems such as poverty, disease, and pollution. Students who want to specialize in global, social, and sustainable enterprises can participate in a three-semester program that includes a summer in a developing country doing field work. It’s a very hands-on experience as students will create independent projects or work on behalf of a company to solve an existing problem in sustainable development.
Colorado State isn’t the only school offering such a program. Will’s Thoughstream points to a Columbia news service report that there are start-up MBA programs creating similar opportunities. For example, the Bainbridge Graduate Institue has a green MBA program and other new schools are following suit. The Columbia report notes that graduates from such programs will be welcomed by employers as diverse as the State of California, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, or Green Mountain Coffee Roasters who are all looking for MBAs “with an understanding of social and environmental issues.”
Of course more traditional business schools are also offering opportunities to help students learn to go green and create environmentally friendly businesses. HBS students started a Sustainable Development Society. Stanford‘s Environmentally Sustainable Business Club promotes events such as 1 unit Business & Environmental Seminar, environmental speakers and panels, the sustainability rountable, and community work. The Tuck Sustainable Business Club organizes activities looking at sustainablility issues across various industries such as energy, finance, and international development.
If this is an area of interest for you, check out the websites for your schools of interest to see what they are offering around sustainability. Be sure to include your ideas of how to expand their offerings in your essays. Schools want to see how you intend to apply your interests to their community.