Managing Your Time on the GMAT


The scenario: For the past three months, you’ve consistently answered GMAT practice questions within the recommended times. Test day has finally arrived, and up to this point in the test, things have gone okay. Sure, you ran out of time on the Quantitative section and had to guess on the last 2 questions, but you’ve already put that behind you. Now, as you near the end of the Verbal section, you glance at the clock and realize that there are only three minutes remaining . . . . and you still have eight questions to answer!! As you struggle to figure out what went wrong, your target score quickly slips away.

 Perhaps you’ve already experienced this scenario.

If you’re lucky, these events happened during an unpleasant dream. If you’re not so lucky, they happened at the testing center.

This video provides a strategy to help you avoid unfortunate scenarios such as the one described above.


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