Recent EMBA Grads Report Rising Salaries
Recent graduates of Executive MBA programs who participated in the Executive MBA Council 2010 Student Exit Benchmarking Survey reported increases in their salary and bonus packages from the start to the end of their programs.
In 2010, the average salary and bonus amounts of students in the survey rose 11.4 percent from the start to end of the program, compared to 9.4 percent in 2009. Students’ average salary and bonus package at the start of their EMBA programs was $127,955, increasing to $142,534 by the end of the program.
The Executive MBA Council conducts the Student Exit Benchmarking Survey to track the perceptions and opinions of EMBA program graduates and to help measure the return on investment of the degree. The survey included 3,674 students from 116 programs.
In addition, 37 percent of students in the survey reported receiving promotions and 68 percent reported receiving new responsibilities during their time in the program.
“Executive MBA students continue to do well in this challenging economy,” says Michael Desiderio, executive director of the Executive MBA Council. “Survey data shows the return on investment for EMBA students remains significant.”
Graduates in the survey remain loyal supporters of the EMBA experience. The survey’s loyalty index helps demonstrate participating students’ satisfaction with their program. The loyalty index is a combination of students’ rankings of program quality (8.4 on a 10-point scale), students’ willingness to recommend their program to a colleague or friend (8.8); and the likelihood of supporting the program as alumni (8.2).
“The loyalty index shows that EMBA students continue to be satisfied with their programs and educational experience,” says Desiderio. “It also shows that alumni are willing to stay involved with programs.”