Kellogg’s Super Bowl Ad Review Wrap Up
The Kellogg School of Management ranked Google’s ad, Parisian Love, best in show, while the Focus on the Family and U.S. Census commercial spots tied for worst place in the B-school’s annual assessment known as the Super Bowl Advertising Review.
In reacting to the Focus on the Family ad on, marketing professor Tim Calkins, who leads the event, said “That was a surprising ad because it was incredibly understated and very gentle,” adding that “You could see that they were trying to avoid polarizing people.”
But the fact that it confused people because they couldn’t figure out what the ad was about is what earned the spot such a low ranking in the Kellogg Adbowl.
Unlike popularity-based reviews, Kellogg uses a strategic academic framework known as ADPLAN, an acronym which stands for Attention, Distinction, Positioning, Linkage, Amplification and Net equity, to grade each spot for its ROI.
The review, which has been an annual event for Kellogg marketing students since 2005, has become extremely popular. “It is hard to find an opportunity where you can blend learning and fun,” professor Derek Rucker, who also leads the event, told The Daily Northwestern. “This is definitely one of them.”
A full list of the Kellogg School Super Bowl Advertising Review rankings by grade can be found here.
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